About This Blog

This is where I post my original works - stories, poems, proses, essays, etcetera. I own everything that's written here. If you want to post my works somewhere, please give credit to me.

Original stories are stories whose characters came from my mind. I own the character for those posts that have this tag.

Fan fic are my stories which stars my favorite Asian stars/anime characters/drama characters. I only own the stories, but not the characters (I do wish I own Calvin Chen and the rest of Fahrenheit... lol)

Roses are my short proses/stories. it may be written in first person's view or thrid person's view. It's just a narrative prose.

One-shots are my series of stories that are one chapter long. These are also tag as roses.

Actually, I was planning to make 25 short stories before my 25th birthday (which have already passed) and unfortunately, I wasn't too successful in making 25 short stories. I was panning to call it 25 roses, hence the tag roses here in my blog.

Anyways, if you want to read just one story, click on the title below and then start reading from below.

Happy Reading!


I'm trying to figure out how I could highlight the entries here and copy, but I am not that knowledgaeble with HTML. So, while I'm trying to figure things out, if anyone wanted a soft copy of the stories here for reading purposes only, you can shoot me an email at tamed_soul@hotmail.com


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Completed Stories

All For You
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

The Man-Hater
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

My Two Love, My True Love
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23
Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29
Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Chapter 37 Chapter 38

Me And The Boy Next Door
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
Round 7 Round 8 Round 9
Round 10 Round 11 Round 12
Round 13 Round 14 Round 15
Round 16 Round 17 Round 18
Round 19 Round 20 Round 21
Round 22 Round 23 Round 24
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Last Round

99 Paper Cranes Special: Valentine's Day
99 Paper Cranes

Ongoing Stories

Paper Star
99 Love Notes
Me And My Gay Boss
Always and Forever
The Stone Keeper
I Will Wait For You In Heaven
Paper Planes
You Are My Song
A Game Of Destiny
10 Days
Love Me Again
Say That You Love Me
Roses For You
Love Starts Here
So It's You


Wedding Picture
Christmas Card

Songs And Stories
By Heart

Coming Soon

My Fallen Star
Chasing Prince Charming
Paper Roses
In His Eyes
A Fairy Tale Love Story
Princess, Princess
The Silent Guardian
My Dear Heart

Let`s Talk





Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"In life, there are two paths to take... one is easy, and it's only reward is that it's easy..."

"Final call for Flight 125 going to Munich"

Ella stood up from her chair, and took her luggage. For her, there's no turning back now. She have made her decision, and she's sticking to it. She have always wanted an easy way out, and this is the only way she can escape her heartache. She gripped onto the handle of her bag, and began to walk slowly. She have always thought Chun would come, and stop her from leaving, but it's clear to her that he have already made his choice.

She hated complications in her life. That's why she's here right now at the airport. She's running away from another complication in her life. And that is being in love with her best friend. She knows where she stands in Chun's life. She knows he could only love her as his friend, and as his sister. But somehow, she thought Chun would see her in a different light, but then things got rather complicated, as he's already engaged to Ariel. Well, it's actually not Chun's decision, but his parents' decision. She can still remember the day he first saw Ariel. She was with him that time when his parents introduced them to each other. By the way Chun looked at Ariel, it's obvious that he was smitten by her beauty. Since then, things have changed between them. He rarely spend time with her, like he used to. He's always with Ariel, preparing for their wedding.

Today was supposed to be a special day for Chun, but instead of being the Maid of Honor, she chose to leave for Munich. "It's better this way..." she thought. "At least I won't see the man I love getting married to another girl..." But there was something holding her back. She tried to step forward, but something's keeping her from boarding the plane. Is it really the right choice to leave Chun, without even telling him how she feels? That she have loved him since they were kids? Is it the right moment to be coward, and just runaway from everything, including their friendship? She stopped walking, and closed her eyes... she knows she will regret it later if she leaves, and she knows will really regret it if she never tell Chun how much she loves him.

Then, she made her decision. She turned around, and headed to the airport's exit. She still have time to talk to him, and tell him everything before it's too late. She knows this is a crazy idea, and things will eventually change between them. Eventually, she came to her senses and took the risk. "It's now or never..." she thought as she got inside the cab.


She rushed inside the church only to find it empty. There were no decorations inside. Was Ella too late? Did the wedding ceremonies started earlier than expected? She could feel her heart beat faster, as she looked around the church. "Chun..." she said in a low voice.

"Finally, you came..." she heard a familiar voice said. She turned around, and saw Chun walking up to her. He was not wearing the tuxedo he picked out for him on this special day. "Chun... I... I thought... What happened? Where's everybody? Where's Ariel?" she asked. Chun just smiled at her. "Well, everybody's not here because we have to cancel the wedding at the last minute..." he explained. Ella just gave her a startled look. "But... but why?"
"Because the bride's supposed to leave for Munich half an hour ago... leaving his poor groom behind..."

This time, it got Ella really confused. Did Ariel also left for Munich? "It was a bad idea for my parents to set me up with Ariel, because things have backfired..." he said. "What... what do you mean? Which backfired?"
"Everything's a set up. My parents set me up for Ariel so that you would get jealous, and that you'll eventually tell me how you feel towards me. I played my part, hoping it will work out. But you decided to go to Munich and leave me. That's why there's no wedding, simply because you left me." Chun expained. Ella was surprised upon hearing that. She have knows his parents to be kinda playful, but she never thought they would put up a "prank" so that she and Chun can be together. "They what?"
"I said, my parents set this up. But you never fell for it, so we have to cancel the wedding because I didn't have a bride..."
"But... but what about Ariel?"
"She's actress. Of course she acted well, right? And besides, you're the only person that got the wedding invitation with Ariel's name on it."

Ella could feel her face turning red with anger. All the while, she thought Chun's really in love with Ariel, and all the while, she thought Chun will marry her. But it turns out that everything's not real. Everything is only a set-up. "Wu Chun! How the hell can you do this to me! I'm you're best friend!" she shouted at him. Chun just laughed at her, as she vents out her anger. "I'm sorry, Ella. I know it was a bad idea, and I shouldn't have been part of it..." he said. He came up to her, and held her cheeks. "I should've told you right from the start how I felt... and I should've told you directly so that things wouldn't turn out this way. I love you Ella Chen..." he said. Ella looked up to him and smiled. "Well... what if I really left and boarded the plane?"
"I know you wouldn't do that..."
"How sure are you?"
"I know... I just know. I have known you since we were kids, and I know you wouldn't leave me behind..."

Ella smiled at him. She know she have made the right decision this time. Maybe if she left, she wouldn't know the truth. "And it's all worth it..." she thought. She reached up to Chun, and kissed him on his lips. "I love you too, Chun Wu..." she said. Then, Chun broke away from her. He took her luggage and pulled her out of the church. "Hey!" Ella shouted at him, and gave him a startled look again. Chun looked back and gave her a playful smile. "I said the wedding's canceled simply because there's no bride, but now that the bride's here, we can start the wedding ceremony, right?"


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posted by kC @ 12:04 PM 


Anonymous Nicole Colene Chua said...

That was a nice one-shot! =D Have you posted this in CEFC?

May 12, 2010 at 7:45 AM  

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